Thursday, March 30, 2006

Are we getting news? Or are we just getting more Bush propaganda?

The Bush administration, amid record budget deficits, has been spending huge amounts on advertising and public relations contracts to counter a hostile media environment.

The administration spent $1.62 billion on advertising and public relations contracts over two and a half years. Most of the money was spent by the Defense Department amid its efforts to recruit soldiers for the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"The extent of the Bush administration's propaganda effort is unprecedented and disturbing," said Rep. George Miller, California Democrat.

Mr. Miller and other Democrats ordered a study of the administration's PR budget. In January, the Government Accountability Office issued a report that examined the media budgets of seven federal departments.

In all, the seven departments reported a total of 343 media contracts from 2003 to mid-2005. Forty percent of the contracts were with advertising agencies and 38 percent were with media organizations.

Another two percent of the contracts were with "individual members of the media." They were not identified in the report.

How will FOX news survive if they put a stop to this?

I can hardly wait to find out who the "individual members of the media" turn out to be. My guess? Chris Matthews, Daryn Kagan, Joe Scarborough, and every member of FOX news.

The truly horrifying part is that this 1.62 billion is made up of our taxes! That is my money being used to lie to the American people! And even with that huge outlay of money Bush's poll numbers are still in the low 30's!

Is there really any doubt that George Bush is the worst president ever?

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