Monday, March 20, 2006

Bush's plan to bring democracy to Iraq and then watch it spread through the middle east failed. But the chaos is spreading quite nicely.

Three years after the United States invaded Iraq in pursuit of a freer, more stable Middle East, the country's deepening ethnic conflict is spreading tension across Iraq's borders, fueling terrorism and nurturing gloom about the future.

``The region is pushed further toward extremism,'' said Mohamed el-Sayed Said, the deputy director of the Cairo-based Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies. ``The Bush administration was warned that it's moving into an area of shifting sand. . . . This is a very complex region with legacies of sectarian violence and religious strife.''

In Jordan to the west, Saudi Arabia to the south and Turkey to the north -- even in Israel -- U.S. allies are voicing growing concern that Iraq's chaos could seep across their borders and infect them.

Shortly after last month's bombing of a sacred Shiite Muslim mosque in Samarra, Iraq, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with Persian Gulf leaders in the United Arab Emirates. Afterward, she said they had told her they were worried that those who are provoking sectarian tension in Iraq might try to ``stoke sectarian tensions in other parts of the region.''

Last September, the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, warned that civil war in Iraq could drag in Iran, Turkey, the Kurds and Arabs.

Iraq's Arab neighbors, dominated by Sunni Muslims, have watched in horror as Shiites gain political ascendancy in Iraq. So far they have supported Iraq's unity, fearing that the country's breakup could set off a regionwide scramble.

We will never be able to make up for the terrible injustice that we have inflicted on this region. The fallout from this war will impact our country for generations to come.

George Bush is more then just the worst president in American history he is the more probably one of the worst leaders in the history of the world.

If you ever have an occasion to meet this guy do not shake his hand! It is fairly clear that everything he touches is destroyed!

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