Monday, March 27, 2006

Did American troops massacre Iraqis in their mosque?

US troops have mounted two raids against Iraqi Shiite forces in Baghdad, killing up to 20 gunmen in a raid on a radical mosque and arresting more than 40 Interior Ministry personnel guarding a secret prison.

Details were sketchy today, but the two operations looked like US strikes against sectarian Shiite militias of the kind the US ambassador has said must be eliminated if Iraq is to form a unity government and halt a slide toward civil war.

Now since this news came out I have heard that this raid was led by Iraqi military and that the Americans stayed in the background for support. The official report also says that Americans did not go into the mosques at any time.

But none of that makes any difference because this is what the Iraqi's are being told;

"The American forces went into Mustapha mosque at prayers and killed more than 20 worshippers," Hazin al-Araji said.

"They tied them up and shot them."

I don't for an instant believe this is true, but it does not matter what I think. It matters very much what the Iraqi's believe, and you know that they believe every negative thing that is said about the Americans.


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    No they didn't. But if it's any consolation the terrorists massacre Iraqi men, women, and children anywhere they can drive or wear a bomb to. To date they've killed more Iraqi's than our soldiers have in combat.

    So as the old saying goes, "stuff that in your corncob pipe and smoke it!"

  2. Is that the yardstick we are to use? We killed less innocent people then the terrorists so we are still the good guys?

    If you are going to set the bar that low,why don't you just lay it on the ground?


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