Friday, March 17, 2006

Great article about stopping Bush's war. You need to read this.

I am going to put some of my favorite quotes down below for those who are just too busy to read an entire article. What are you doing that is so damn important by the way?

Everyone who thought this war was a good idea was wrong and ought to admit it. Those who still think it's a good idea should get therapy.

Most of the people who thought this war was a good idea also thought that the best way to fight it was with other people's children. That in itself is a form of depravity.

The democracy that was supposed to flower in the Iraqi desert and then spread throughout the Middle East was as much a mirage as the weapons of mass destruction.

Each one of those is a genuine pearl of wisdom. If you did skip the article I encourage you again to read it.

"A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep or taste not the pierian spring.
Where shallow draughts intoxicate the brain.
And drinking largely sobers us again."


That Anonymous guy was pretty smart wasn't he?

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