Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hardball's Chris Matthews defends Joseph McCarthy.

You know, one-sided, to some extent liberal propaganda. Because you know there Communists – I’m sorry…there were Communists in the government…I could go through the whole list – Elizabeth Bentley, Harry Dexter White, and of course Alger Hiss – there’s a whole gaggle of them.

And the biggest nonsense of this sort of revisionist history is that there wasn’t a Communist
threat and that McCarthy was just a drunken fool. Well, he may have been a drunk – he certainly was – and he may have been unable to shoot straight, but there were lots of targets there. He just didn’t hit any.

Chris Matthews has slipped so far from the reasoned aggressive interviewer that he seemed to be in 2000 that I cannot even believe that this is the same guy! He must have been just hiding this other side of his personality until he noticed that Ann Coulter could say crazy shit and still get work so why can't he?

This communism thing still screws with me. Why do we accept that people of differing religions and philosopies can live in harmony, but absolutely forbid people to embrace a different political system? If capitalism is so much better then how can a handful of communists harm it?

France has a communist party. It does not appear that their society is in danger of imploding. It just seems too heavy handed for Americans to be this defensive about differing political ideas.

And no I am not a communist. But thanks for asking.

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