Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Iraq Defense Ministry official says that Jill Carroll is still alive.

A senior Defence Ministry official confirmed the plot on Tuesday and said the 421 al-Qaida fighters involved were actually recruited to storm the US and British embassies and take hostages.

"You can imagine what could happen to a minister or an ambassador while passing through these gates when those terrorists are there," Jabr said in the interview conducted at his office inside the Green Zone - a three square kilometre hunk of prime Baghdad real estate on the west bank of the Tigris River.

You know this insurgeny is getting more brazen all of the time. To openly attack the "green zone" they must have many more combatants then previously believed. Clearly they are having no problem getting new recruits.

Here is what Jabr had to say about Ms. Carroll.

Kidnapped Christian Science Monitor reporter Jill Carroll was still alive and being moved from place to place by her captors. He would say nothing more about the case.

Well that is good news. I can't help wondering what their long terms plans are for Ms. Carroll. It seems if they were going to kill her they would have done so by now.


  1. Gry:

    I hate to be the party pooper here because not many people want Jill Carroll safely released than me. But they had Tom Fox even longer than Jill Carroll and they wound up killing him.

    But I appreciate you blogging about her. I've felt a lot like a voice in the wilderness.


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