Monday, March 27, 2006

Iraqi doctor killed 35 patients because "I hate the Americans and what they've done to Iraq."

A doctor has admitted killing at least 35 Iraqi police officers and army soldiers by giving them lethal injections, reopening their wounds or engaging in other deadly acts while they were being treated at a hospital in the northern city of Kirkuk, according to Kurdish security sources and Kurdish television.

Kurdish television broadcast on Sunday what it said was the doctor's taped confession, in which he told police that he sympathized with the radical Sunni Arab insurgent group Ansar al-Sunna. He said that the group paid him to kill the men and that he did it because "I hate the Americans and what they've done to Iraq."

Just our presence in Iraq is murderous for its citizens.

What a frightening thought for these Iraqi soldiers to think that even after they are admitted to the hospital their lives might still be in danger.

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