This evening on the PBS News Hour, AEI scholar Norm Ornstein said that DP World was considering selling its U.S. operations to Halliburton:
If this is done now through the backdoor, where D.P. [Dubai Ports World] has any role at all, Congress is going to go ballistic, and it’s going to be a disaster, I think, for the administration.
They have got a dilemma now, because there simply aren’t American companies that have the know-how and the breadth to do this. Interestingly, and perhaps ironically, what I had heard earlier in the day, as they were looking at those that have the — the kind of resources, Halliburton was a name that came up.
This better just be a stupid rumor! If they proffer this deal it will be a giant "Screw you" to the entire Congress! This would require the kind of arrogance that I almost cannot imagine!
God I hate this bunch of assholes!
We've been softened up. As with Harriet Miers, the old ugly suitor has been told to shove off in favor of the pretty new suitor. :-)