Friday, March 10, 2006

Is Dubai Ports World considering selling port operations to Halliburton?

This evening on the PBS News Hour, AEI scholar Norm Ornstein said that DP World was considering selling its U.S. operations to Halliburton:

If this is done now through the backdoor, where D.P. [Dubai Ports World] has any role at all, Congress is going to go ballistic, and it’s going to be a disaster, I think, for the administration.
They have got a dilemma now, because there simply aren’t American companies that have the know-how and the breadth to do this. Interestingly, and perhaps ironically, what I had heard earlier in the day, as they were looking at those that have the — the kind of resources, Halliburton was a name that came up.

This better just be a stupid rumor! If they proffer this deal it will be a giant "Screw you" to the entire Congress! This would require the kind of arrogance that I almost cannot imagine!

God I hate this bunch of assholes!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    We've been softened up. As with Harriet Miers, the old ugly suitor has been told to shove off in favor of the pretty new suitor. :-)


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