Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is your child a whiny little brat? Well you have a budding conservative on your hands. That sucks for you!

The whiny kids tended to grow up conservative, and turned into rigid young adults who hewed closely to traditional gender roles and were uncomfortable with ambiguity.

The confident kids turned out liberal and were still hanging loose, turning into bright, non-conforming adults with wide interests. The girls were still outgoing, but the young men tended to turn a little introspective.

You know I have never doubted that Liberals are far superior to Conservatives. I mean there is evidence everywhere.

  • Liberals are happier and more comfortable in their own skins. Conservatives are uptight and rigid in their social interactions. Until they get drunk. Then they are just idiots.
  • Liberals have a more inventive sex life and enjoy intimacy much more. Conservatives are ashamed of their animal urges and have to rush to church to ask forgiveness for their sinful desires.
  • Liberals enjoy nature and the beauty of the world around them. Conservatives only enjoy nature when they have it's head mounted on their wall.
  • Liberals have open minds and enjoy learning new things. Conservatives react to differing viewpoints with suspicion and only listen until they can effectively form their rebuttal, which they shout at the other person until they are cowed into keeping their opinions to themselves.
  • Liberals can admit they made a mistake and find such times to be a learning experience. Conservatives refuse to accept that they have made an error in judgment and will defend their positions regardless of what evidence exists to dispute it.
  • Liberals are focused on helping others and find joy in putting a smile on the faces of their friends and neighbors. Conservatives are focused on helping themselves to the property of their friends and neighbors, and enjoy taking advantage of their fellow man.

Now I know that you might read the above and find it slanted in favor of Liberals. But if you do then you are clearly a conservative and have accidentally stumbled onto a site that is only going to provide you with information that will make you feel defensive and angry toward me. However I am happy that you visited with me and hope that you will take the opportunity to read some of my earlier posts with an open mind.

Don't be afraid, we will not hurt you or send you to an illegal war. We will give you more affordable health insurance and balance the budget. Aren't we lovable?

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