Friday, March 31, 2006

Last nights "Daily Show".

Did anybody watch this last night?

What in the hell was Sharon Stone giggling about? She looked like she had lost her mind.

You know when you are a twenty year old ingenue you might be able to bat your eyes and giggle through an interview. But when you are 48 year old has been you might want to beef up the interview with some talking! The dumb bitch just looked stoned out of her gourd last night.

You probably won't be surprised to know I won't be buying a ticket to this "grannie gets her groove on"flick. I have nothing against mature women but I am not paying for the pleasure of watching them get naked. I don't care how much surgery you have had.

Update: I stand corrected. Apparently Sharon Stone is 77 years old. You know she does look pretty good for seventy seven!

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