Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The majority of Americans are idiots.

A Gallup report released today reveals that more than half of all Americans, rejecting evolution theory and scientific evidence, agree with the statement, "God created man exactly how Bible describes it."

Another 31% says that man did evolve, but "God guided." Only 12% back evolution and say "God had no part."

Gallup summarized it this way: "Surveys repeatedly show that a substantial portion of Americans do not believe that the theory of evolution best explains where life came from." They are "not so quick to agree with the preponderance of scientific evidence."

I have written about this so many times that I am just worn out from the effort. Clinging to superstitions to the exclusion of learning from scientific research is insane. I understand the motives behind the churches desire to dumb down their adherents because if they get too smart they will quite likely reject the teachings of the church. But the sad fact is that it is a short sighted solution which will only put off the inevitable and serves to drain the intellect of the very people that we will need to run this nation in the decades to come. If our children are taught to disbelief the findings of scientific research then how will they learn?

I for one am going to make sure that my doctors did not receive their medical degrees from Jerry Fallwell's Liberty University. I want my doctor to use science to save my ass and not just drop to his knees and pray for a cure.

And by the way this is why we have the Moron-in-Chief in the White House today. And how is that working out for you guys anyhow? Don't you wish you had voted with intellect instead of faith?

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