Sunday, March 26, 2006

Please ignore the 30 headless bodies and remember there is no civil war in Iraq!

The bodies of 30 beheaded men were found on a main highway near Baquba this evening, providing more evidence that the death squads in Iraq are becoming out of control.

If that doesn't convince you that the danger in Iarq is out of control, then maybe this will do the job;

Iraqi army troops were waiting tonight for American support before venturing into the insurgent-infested area to retrieve them.

"It's too dangerous for us to go in there alone," an Iraqi Army commander, Tassin Tawfik, said.

Do you understand that? It is too dangerous for the Iraqi army to go and investigate the beheadings! But the right wing hate machine is all over little Lara Logan for not getting out there and finding the "good" news to report so that Americans can continue to believe the president's bullshit!

"Hey Lara, now you step over the those headless bodies and you find us some kids playing ball or some schools being opened right this minute! We need to start showing some good news or else the administration is going to pull a Dan Rather on our ass! And if somebody starts shooting at you out there, you make sure you turn those cameras off before you die so that there is no film of that "bad news."

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