Thursday, March 09, 2006

The President admires the First Lady's carpet. I bet it does not match her curtains.

For whatever reason, Bush seems fixated on his rug. Virtually all visitors to the Oval Office find him regaling them about how it was chosen and what it represents. Turns out, he always says, the first decision any president makes is what carpet he wants in his office. As a take-charge leader, he then explains, he of course made a command decision: He delegated the decision to Laura Bush, who chose a yellow sunbeam design.

Elizabeth Vargas, the ABC News anchor, was the latest to get the treatment.

"You know an interesting story about the rug?" he asked. "Laura designed the rug."

"She did?" Vargas said.

"Yeah, she did. Presidents are able to pick their own rugs or design their own rugs."
Bush went on: "The interesting thing about this rug and why I like it in here is 'cause I told Laura one thing. I said, 'Look, I can't pick the colors and all that. But make it say 'optimistic person.' ''

I swear the man is such a simpleton! Have you noticed that he always talks like you're the idiot?
I think Bush would be more effective teaching a pre-shool class then leading the most powerful nation on the planet. I know I would feel safer. You can always correct the dumb things he might teach your kids.

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