Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rice says history will judge how US handled Iraq.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, twice shouted down by anti-war protesters who called her a killer, told critics Thursday that the verdict on the U.S.-led war in Iraq should be left to history.

"I'm quite aware that there are those who disagree about the decision that we would overthrow Saddam Hussein," Rice said in response to a university student who cited opinion polls showing more than 60 percent of Australians have a negative view of the U.S. and its foreign policy.

"I'm quite aware that there are those who believe that he should have been given more time, who believe that we could have contained him," Rice said.

"I think the outcome, the judgment, of all of this needs to await history," Rice said.

The only reason that the administration keeps referring to allowing history to be their judge is because they plan to write that history.

They say that "the victors write the history" and the Bush team truly believes that they will win the war and the debate over that war. They have already started to re-classify documents that have been de-classifed for many years. Many historians have said that the documents that they are choosing to make secret again do not really demonstrate any national security threat and don't make a lot of sense to them. But I understand exactly what is happenng.

What the Bush team is doing is re-classifying reams of documents in the hope that nobody will notice that they are also classifying documents that might demonstrate just how illegal the policies of this White House have been. They are throwing up a smoke screen and hoping to hide their criminality behind it.

And they will succeeed. They have all of the power right now. If that balance of power does not shift soon we will have a hell of a time ever getting to the bottom of what were the real reasons that we invaded Iraq, eavesdropped on Americans, and tried to sell our ports to the UAE.

This is why it is absolutely essential that the Democrats get control of both the Senate and the House. We have no time to waste and must gain the upper hand before these criminals manage to get away with murder!

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