Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rumsfeld says they have photographic proof that our soldiers were framed by Shi'ites.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld showed photographs taken immediately after the raid, "and clearly you can see all types of armament and other military paraphernalia there," Warner, a Virginia Republican, said.

"I think the sooner those pictures are out, the sooner we can dispel that there was any wrong attack by our forces on a mosque or other buildings," he said.

Donald, Donald, Donald. You just don't get it. There is nothing you can show these people to make them believe you. They don't believe anything we say. Why you ask?

Well it could have something to do with this;
  • We lied about there being evidence of WMDs in Iraq.
  • We lied about not wanting to go to war.
  • We lied about what happened at Abu Ghraib.
  • We lied about what happened in Fallujah.

We have lied repeatedly and the Iraqis know it. If we are being truthful this time it is just too little, too late. The point is Mr. Rumsfeld that the "Fat Lady" is singing her ass off and you are just not paying attention. The next thing that is going to happen is a massive attack on the American troops. It will be devastating, it will be the end of the debate, and it does not need to happen. We just need to start getting our soldiers out of there today.


  1. yeah....the LIES...so how can we believe that they are trying to tell the coughehamgag TRUTH????? About Lies....

    geez...plez mommmy make it stop.....

    ( hey stop back to Watergate Summer- you got some reponses)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.