Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Russ Feingold's call for censure of Bush makes him the new Democrat "It" boy.

Feingold said his sole purpose was to hold Bush accountable, but he argued that it's also good politics.

"These Democratic pundits are all scared of the Republican base getting energized, but they're willing to pay the price of not energizing the Democratic base," he said. "It's an overly defensive and meek approach to politics."

Yeah, I would agree that the Democrats need to start showing the size of their balls or they might very well blow this golden opportunity they have to get back both the House and the Senate.

Whip them out boys lets see what you got! For the ladies I will assume that your balls are huge!

1 comment:

  1. sigh...my wittle heart be still...
    a man with Balls in DC...
    thank heavens....

    ( Don't forget to make phone calls this week- help Russ with the Censure issue- Morning Martini has the scoop)


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It just goes directly to their thighs.