Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tal Afar which served as Bush's example of progress in Iraq begs to differ with him.

Bush said this week that Tal Afar has become "a free city that gives reason for hope for a free Iraq" after U.S.-led forces freed it from al Qaeda militants in a 2005 offensive.

"I say that Bush is 100 percent a liar because the city of Tal Afar has become a ghost town rather than the example Bush spoke about," said Ali Ibrahim, a Shi'ite Turkmen laborer.

This is why this administration is so angry at the media. Because no matter how hard they try to paint a smile on the face of Iraq the facts just come along and wipe that smile right off!

Have you noticed that Bush never says "I think that things in Iraq are getting better"? He always says he "believes" things are improving. That is because he does not pay attention to the negative news. He just continues to cling to the fact that God sent him to liberate the Middle East, so things just have to work out.

Our president has no grasp of reality and doesn't want any of us to have one either. It just makes it too hard to get us to listen to his lies. And there have been so many lies.

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