Friday, March 31, 2006

Watergate's John Dean will testify at Bush's censure hearing.

John Dean, counsel to President Nixon during the Watergate scandal, is headlining a Senate hearing Friday on whether to censure President Bush for authorizing a domestic wiretapping program as part of the war on terrorism.

After The New York Times revealed the program in December, Dean wrote that "Bush may have outdone Nixon" and be worthy not just of censure but impeachment.

"Nixon's illegal surveillance was limited; Bush's, it is developing, may be extraordinarily broad in scope," Dean wrote in a column for in December.

You know the irony of this is almost too much for me to take.

George Bush is making these Watergate guys very happy. After being saddled for years as the worst President in history, Nixon is being nudged aside by the criminality of President Bush.

That means that all of these guys who shared the blame and the shame of that debacle are getting a chance to say "See? We weren't that bad!".


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