Thursday, March 16, 2006

When it comes to Iraq George Bush cannot accept reality.

What Bush sees:

"By their response over the past two weeks, Iraqis have shown the world that they want a future of freedom and peace," he said Monday. "We're helping Iraqis build a strong democracy so that old resentments will be eased and the insurgency marginalized."

What is actually happening:

"In Sadr City, the Shiite section in Baghdad where the terrorist suspects were executed, government forces vanished," reported the New York Times. "The streets are ruled by aggressive teenagers with shiny soccer jerseys and machine guns. They set up roadblocks and poke their heads into cars and detain whomever they want. Mosques blare warnings on loudspeakers for American troops to stay out. Increasingly, the Americans have been doing just that."

Could somebody please turn the White House television to another station besides FOX news and strap the President to a chair until he finally sees what he has done? Here is another idea, how about somebody sits on his chest and reads him a fucking newspaper!

Pull your head out of your ass you moron! People are dying!

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