Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Boy Scouts hate religious kids. This is another Wiccan post. In honor of my ex-wives.

The camp is going well so far. Boy Scouts have gathered from around the area in khaki button-ups and red scarves, eager to earn their God and Country badge.

The leader in a room of about 20 Scouts decides to break the ice by showing how religiously diverse the gathering is.

By a showing of hands, he asks who belongs to the Baptist Church, the Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, continuing on until two boys are left who have not raised their hands. One of the brothers is called out to tell the group what church he attends. He replies, "I'm Wiccan."

Little did 12-year-old Cody Brown realize how much that answer would affect his life.

During the past six weeks, Cody and his 15-year-old brother, Justin, have waited with their parents to see how the controversy sparked by Cody's answer would play out.

Within 48 hours of Cody's confession, the troop committee of Holly Grove United Methodist Church in Anacoco was meeting to discuss the implications.

The church sponsors the boys' chapter, Troop 71. Pastor Doug Lewellyn was out of town at the time of the meeting.

"The number one scout law is to do your duty to God and your country," Troop 71 Scout Master Gene Doherty said. "They met to discuss whether or not the boys could live up to that because of their religion."

The conclusion was that they could not.

Doherty called Army Cpt. Todd Buchheim, the boys' father and a former Eagle Scout stationed at Fort Polk, to inform him that the boys no longer were welcome in the troop. The Buchheims said Doherty told them that if Cody had lied about his faith, the boys could have remained with no problem.

So to sum up what we have learned here;
  • The Boy Scouts do not respect religious diversity.
  • The Boy Scouts encourage children to lie.
  • The Boy Scouts like to make little children cry.

I think that about sums it up.

I went to Boy Scouts and hated it! I did get a nice knot tying patch by selling pot to the assistant scout master. Fucking pot head!

1 comment:

  1. first off the scouts aren't intolerant of other religions,the scouts are based on the faith in the God of the Judeo/Christian/islamic teachings.
    Therefore if you say that you are wiccan,an athiest, or agnostic you violate the very tennants of the organization. I see where you have quoted the father of the child but I also see that you failed to follow up with the Scoutmaster to see if he would admit to or refute the comment.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.