Saturday, May 06, 2006

Bush identifies the "War on Terror" as World War III.

US President George W. Bush said the September 11 revolt of passengers against their hijackers on board Flight 93 had struck the first blow of "World War III."

In an interview with the financial news network CNBC, Bush said he had yet to see the recently released film of the uprising, a dramatic portrayal of events on the United Airlines plane before it crashed in a Pennsylvania field.

But he said he agreed with the description of David Beamer, whose son Todd died in the crash, who in a Wall Street Journal commentary last month called it "our first successful counter-attack in our homeland in this new global war -- World War III".

Bush said: "I believe that. I believe that it was the first counter-attack to World War III.

Who are we at war against again? The people who are trying to do us harm? That is what the President calls them. Yet it appears that the number of people wanting to "cause us harm" is inceasing rather then decreasing. Does that mean we are losing World War III? I am no expert on war but I always thought that when you were winning you were eliminating you foes, not making new ones.

To call this World War III is absolutely ridiculous! This idiot in the White House is trying desperately to make his Presidency not appear to be the biggest fuck up in history by defining its importance with these pathetic labels, and linking it to a time when America was an overwhelming force for good.

This is not World War III and we need to keep this asshole from turning it into World War III.

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