A renowned U.S. scientist who has documented fertility and sex changes -- including decreasing penis size -- due to environmental contamination says he wouldn't apply pesticides on his own lawn.
Holy crap! What are my choices here? let the bugs eat my lawn or shrink my dick? Bon Appetit you vermin!
He found abnormalities in sex organs, dramatic differences in egg-hatching rates and hormone levels.
Penis size of the animals from the polluted lake was smaller than animals from the less-polluted lake.
"This is important because it is not just an alligator story. It is not just a lake story. We know there has been a dramatic increase in penile and genital abnormalities in baby boys," Guillette said.
A followup study by another scientist involving healthy couples with 5,000 healthy babies also found reduced penis size with higher contamination levels.
"Are (their penises) so small they are actually having problems? We don't know. These are baby boys," he said.
"Sorry about your tiny weiner Billy but we couldn't let the aphids eat your Mom's plants now could we?"
Billy is going to kill them in their sleep.
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