Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Holy Crap! Women have been sending me sexual signals all day and I was too ignorant to notice.

It is well known that men and women use a wide variety of gestures while paying court to somebody. Most gestures are used unknowingly. The success of the relationship depends on your ability to give certain signals and perceive the ones that are being sent to you.

Raised eyebrows. When we see a person that we consider attractive, we begin raising and lowering our eyebrows. If the person also feels drawn to you, his eyebrows will also start going up and down. This gesture lasts only 1/5 of a second but it takes place all the time, with people of both sexes and all ages. This "eye making" can be easily left unnoticed, but if you do notice it, you will certainly be given 100% of the person's attention.

I thought she was just rolling her eyes.

Slightly opened lips. If a person likes you, his or her lips automatically open the moment your eyes meet.

Does this count when they are talking?

What does it mean when they stroke your chest and pant. Is that good?

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Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.