Monday, May 08, 2006

How much power does George Bush have? He is firing BRITISH cabinet members now!

Two London papers have speculated this weekend that complaints by President George W. Bush forced a British minister from his post because of his opposition to the use of nuclear force against Iran.

The Independent suggests that a phone call from the U.S. president to British Prime Minister Tony Blair led to the removal of Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Friday.

The newspaper reports that friends of Straw believe Mr. Bush was extremely upset when Straw pronounced any use of nuclear weapons against Iran "nuts."

Both The Independent and the Guardian write that Straw's "fate was sealed" after a White House phone call to Blair.

Any questions kids? To any of you who thought that the idea of using nukes against Iran could never seriously be considered better ask yourself why then did Jack Straw have to go?

Tony Blair is the biggest pussy on the planet! The idea that he would let Bush roll over him at every opportunity is just fucking embarassing. If I were British I would be organizing an effort to get rid of his skinny English ass as well.

And for those of us who are Americans we better get our shit together pretty soon as well, because believe or not things are about to get much worse!

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