Sunday, May 07, 2006

Republican Congressman stacks panel to favor abstinence only programs despite the lack of scientific evidence to support them.

Researchers organizing a federal panel on sexually transmitted diseases say the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allowed a congressman to include two abstinence-only proponents, bypassing the scientific approval process.

Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., who chairs the House subcommittee on drug policy, questioned the balance of the original panel, which focused on the failure of abstinence-until-marriage programs. In e-mail to Health and Human Services officials, his office asked whether the CDC was "clear about the controversial nature of this session and its obvious anti-abstinence objective."

Last week the title of the panel was changed and two members were replaced. One of them was a Penn State student who was going to talk about how abstinence programs were tied to rising STD rates.

Scientists have complained about increasing government interference. Last year, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration officials told coordinators of a conference on suicide prevention to remove the words gay, lesbian and bisexual from its program and add a session on faith-based suicide prevention.

This was the first time, conference organizers said, that a single politician had so clearly interfered and achieved such dramatic results. The concern, they said, was that studies on sexual behavior would not be made public if they jarred with the administration's views on abstinence and other public-health issues.

"At the CDC, they're beside themselves," said Jonathan Zenilman, president of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association and conference organizer. "These people aren't scientists; they haven't written anything. The only reason they're here is because of political pressure from the administration."

Nothing must be allowed to interfere with this administrations desire to put forth only their faith based belief that sex is bad and having sex before marriage is a sin. I can't help wondering how many of them followed this example in their own youths?

How much longer do you think it will be before they start asking us to dress all in black and sport those giant belt buckles like the puritans of old?

They are fools to believe they can stop progress! The truth will eventually win out like it has since the beginning of time, despite the primitive superstitions of the uneducated populace. It is all just a matter of time.

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