Monday, May 08, 2006

Tony Blair to step down by next year. Okay that is one down and one more to go.

Tony Blair abandoned his election promise to serve a full third term last night, indicating that he could stand down next summer.

Although he refused to set a timetable for his departure, saying that it would paralyse government, he anointed Gordon Brown as his successor and promised to give him sufficient time to establish himself before the next election.

As the Labour Party stood on the brink of civil war over the timing of the succession, the Prime Minister acknowledged that he could not go on to the end of his third term, which could last until 2009 or even 2010. He appealed to the party to calm down and trust him to "honour" his commitment to ensure a stable and orderly transition, "with the time plainly needed for my successor to establish himself".

I am so jealous of the British right now! They are getting rid of their lousy leader while we are still suffering under the rule of our own "King George". Perhaps a coup d'etat is in order.

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