Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tony Snow starts his job as White House Press Secretary on the right foot by picking a fight with every news agency in the country!

New White House Press Secretary Tony Snow is starting off in a combative mode against the press by issuing detailed rebuttals to what he considers unfair coverage of Bush.

“The New York Times continues to ignore America’s economic progress,” blared the headline of an e-mail sent to reporters Wednesday by the White House press office.

Minutes earlier, another e-mail blasted CBS News, which has had an unusually rocky relationship with the White House since 2004, when CBS aired what turned out to be forged documents in a failed effort to question the president’s military service.

“CBS News misleadingly reports that only 8 million seniors have signed up for Medicare prescription drug coverage,” Wednesday’s missive said. “But 37 million seniors have coverage.” On Tuesday, the White House railed against “USA Today’s misleading Medicare story.”

“USA Today claims ‘poor, often minority’ Medicare beneficiaries are not enrolling in Medicare drug coverage,” the press office complained. “But by April, more than 70 percent of eligible African Americans, more than 70 percent of eligible Hispanics, and more than 75 percent of eligible Asian Americans are enrolled or have retiree drug coverage.”

What wasn't mentioned is that Tony also said "And that FOX News? Well they do a hell of a job, is what they do. Now that is a professional news agency!"

Yeah he talks tough now, but wait until he finds himself trying to explain away another Bush malapropism. He won't feel so confident after the news from Iraq, or from Fitzgerald, or from some other Bush boondoggle causes the press corps to come after him with blood in their eye and foam flecked lips.

Who's your daddy now Tony? Who is your daddy now?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Tony Snow is an arrogant pr*ck! I would see him around town (NYC) occasionally. He is rude, impolite and aggressive. I was sitting at a bar in midtown Manhattan with a friend and a group of people from "Black Rock" (CBS) were sitting in a huddle at the other end of the bar, talking who knows what and Snow comes in, drunk as a skunk, and goes over to them and starts screaming something about "Fox will win and you will lose. We got rid of Rather and we'll get rid of the rest of you....." Anyway, the CBS group only looked at him, apparently not recognizing him and went back to their quiet conversation. Snow became even MORE belligerent and began screaming obscenities at the group and shouting to no one in particular that "Fox will win! Fox will win!" My bar companion said in a calm voice, "Must be talking about Vicente Fox (president of Mexico). And, Snow went ballistic: "You don't know who I am? I'm Tony Snow. I rule the newswroom. I SPEAK to Murdoch everyday!" Anyway, by this time the CBS group had paid their tab and was walking out the door and Snow scream: "Can't take it huh? Can't take it? Rather couldn't take it! Rather's a lying p*ssy!" We paid our tab and got up to leave. Snow was still at the bar, mumbling and grumbling. I saw him a couple of weeks later on Bill Maher's show on HBO. It's amazing that Snow is now White House Press Secretary. Not a bad choice though. He'll be more interesting than McClellan. But, he'll still be a pr*ck. I hope the press corp can handle him.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.