Saturday, August 12, 2006

1 in 5 of those who voted for Bush in 2004 are ready to vote Democrat.

An Associated Press-Ipsos poll conducted this week found the president's approval rating has dropped to 33 percent, matching his low in May. His handling of nearly every issue, from the Iraq war to foreign policy, contributed to the president's decline around the nation, even in the Republican-friendly South.

More sobering for the GOP are the number of voters who backed Bush in 2004 who are ready to vote Democratic in the fall's congressional elections - 19 percent. These one-time Bush voters are more likely to be female, self-described moderates, low- to middle-income and from the Northeast and Midwest.

As usual the ladies are far smarter then the men when it comes to being fed up with being lied to. These are the kind of polls that make my heart skip a beat.

I wish we were having the election today.


  1. I have a feeling it may even be higher than this...
    just a hunch...and a hope...

  2. "I wish we were having the election today."

    Ain't that the truth! With almost three months to go, I shudder to think just how many more scares and other political dirty tricks these criminals will unleash on the American psyche. We've already seen a steady stream of "terror busts" over the last few months, and the alleged terror plans have gotten more and more brazen with each one: Beheading the Canadian PM, blowing up the Sears Tower, blowing up the tunnels leading to Manhattan and flooding Wall Street, and blowing up planes crossing the Atlantic. What will it be next?!! Karl Rove must be working overtime coming up with new and more elaborate schemes to scare the effing bejeebers out of us.

    The next few months should be interesting, to say the least. And mark my words, there will be some very crazy stuff that goes down. I'd be willing to guarantee it. These people - Bush, Cheney, Rove, et al - are sick.

  3. Please come read my post today- am checking on my blogroll...thanks


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It just goes directly to their thighs.