Saturday, August 26, 2006

69% of Americans don't like me. Yeah? Well I don't care what you think, so there! I am so not inviting them to my birthday!

An authoritative annual survey on attitudes to religion in the United States, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, has found that 69% of respondents believe that liberals are too secular, while 49% believe that religious conservatives are too assertive.

A majority of those polled also expressed concern about religion's declining influence in the USA, and half of those identifying this trend are worried about the perceived decline. Other analysts argue that the religious right, in particular has far too great a shaping role on public policy.

The summary continues: “Fully 69% of Americans say that liberals have gone too far in keeping religion out of schools and government. But the proportion who express reservations about attempts by Christian conservatives to impose their religious values has edged up in the past year, with about half the public (49%) now expressing wariness about this.”

So it sort of appears that the extremists on both sides of the fence are going to have a hard time gaining support in the upcoming election. Interesting.

I am not really bothered by people who are uncomfortable with my secular viewpoints. I have sort of walked my own path since I was very young.

I remember when I was seven wanting to talk about the existence of God. My friends would just look at me with graham cracker crumbs on their face and say "What is your problem, Dude?" Stupid second graders!

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