Monday, August 14, 2006

I find common ground with Christians again. Except they think it is a problem.

A poll conducted by what bills itself as "the world's most visited Christian website" indicates a surprising number of Christians are addicted to pornography.

"The poll results indicate that 50% of all Christian men and 20% of all Christian women are addicted to pornography," said Clay Jones, founder and President of Second Glance Ministries.

The group defines "addicted" as applied to pornography as use on an ongoing basis.
"We are seeing an escalation to the problem in both men and women who regularly attend church," said Bill Cooper, President of

The poll, conducted at, used a self-selected sample, and is therefore not a scientific study. Over 1,000 users responded to the survey.

Additionally, 60% of the women who answered the survey confessed having "significant struggles with lust." 40% admitted to being "involved in sexual sin" in the past year.

"No one is immunized against the vice-grip clutches of sexual addictive behaviors," reads a release issued by the site. "The people who struggle with the repeated pursuit of sexual gratification include church members, deacons, staff, and yes, even clergy."

Even clergy? You mean priests and ministers have sexual urges as well? Well gosh I hope this doesn't lead to any inappropriate behavior!

Maybe if they let these people fuck consenting adult partners without feeling guilty they might not need to resort to looking at naked pictures on the inter-tubes.

Now I only look at porn for educational reasons myself (You cannot believe what you can learn looking at that stuff!), but I certainly do not have any "addiction" problem. I don't have to look at porn everyday or anything.

I mean I don't "have" to do it.

And when I do see something pornographic on the web it is usually completely by accident. ("Accident" is what I named my wireless mouse.)

These people are going to end up going to hell! I sure hope they are not in my section because they are a bunch of perverts!

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