Friday, August 11, 2006

Israel asks America to send missiles that are designed to kill more civilians.

Israel has asked the Bush administration to speed delivery of short-range antipersonnel rockets armed with cluster munitions, which it could use to strike Hezbollah missile sites in Lebanon, two American officials said Thursday.

The request for M-26 artillery rockets, which are fired in barrages and carry hundreds of grenade-like bomblets that scatter and explode over a broad area, is likely to be approved shortly, along with other arms, a senior official said.

But some State Department officials have sought to delay the approval because of concerns over the likelihood of civilian casualties, and the diplomatic repercussions. The rockets, while they would be very effective against hidden missile launchers, officials say, are fired by the dozen and could be expected to cause civilian casualties if used against targets in populated areas.

Whatever your point of view on this war in general, the idea that the United States would provide munitions that will dramatically increase the number of civilian deaths should make all of us wonder what Israel's true goal is here. If Israel is just interested in taking out these military targets then why not ask for more precise weapons that can be delivered to the exact coordinates and do the least amount of damage to the surrounding area? Why use gigantic, destructive weapons that you know will kill innocent people?

It almost seems that Israel is trying to provoke Lebanon into a fight. And what about the rest of the Muslim community? Don't we know that by doing this with Israel we create even more reasons for these people to hate us? Have we just given up on the Middle East?

I believe that the Bush administration just wants this thing to explode. They want this giant war between us and the Muslims. And Israel is going along with it as if they did not anticipate their own destruction.

I will say it again, where in the hell are the smart people in this government? Where?

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