Monday, August 07, 2006

It is the Feds against the State as US threatens to sue Maine over NSA probe.

The Bush administration is threatening to sue if Maine regulators decide to investigate whether Verizon Communications illegally turned over customer information to the National Security Agency.

Verizon customers in Maine have asked the state's Public Utilities Commission to investigate whether the telecom giant violated privacy laws by cooperating with a domestic surveillance program. The PUC is expected to decide Monday whether to open such a probe.

In a July 28 letter to the PUC, the U.S. Department of Justice cites national security as a key reason for its opposition to a state investigation. The seven-page letter suggests a lawsuit is likely if Maine regulators decide to investigate.

"We sincerely hope that, in light of governing law and the national security concerns implicated by the requests for information, you will decline to open an investigation and close these proceedings, thereby avoiding litigation over the matter," the letter reads.

Boy is that doesn't scream "guilty" then I don't know what does.

I am beyond sick and tired of our government trotting out the national security defense every time they get caught with their hand in the information cookie jar. Let's face it, they broke the law, they know they broke the law, and they are just trying to delay an investigation until they have left office.

And look at more of Bush's handiwork. He is now using the federal government to bully the local government into not doing their jobs. Way to be a uniter there Georgie!

You know I saw Georgie on the tube today espousing the virtues of democracy. Funny how he constantly fails to respect our democracy isn't it?

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