Monday, August 28, 2006

The mainstream media is completely broken!

9NEWS confirmed from two sources Monday that John Mark Karr's DNA did not match the samples taken from the crime scene in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case.

The fact that every news channel in existence made this obvious falsehood the top story for over a week is proof positive that our media is a bunch of sheep that are easily misdirected by any moron who takes the time to call them up and send them on a wild goose chase.

I never doubted for an instance that this guy was completely full of shit. There was important news on at the same time and it had to take a back seat to this horrible travesty. And the fact that that poor little girl's face had to appear on our televisions night after night is just fucking criminal!

I just hope that our news outlest will take a moment and let the lesson of this travesty sink in and maybe they can be a little more selective about what kind of story they pollute our airwaves with in the future.

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