Friday, August 04, 2006

Meet the new Christian icon: "The Simpsons's" Ned Flanders. But really, is he any more of a cartoon then Pat Robertson?

Ned Flanders Night was added to this year's Greenbelt Festival after an article in the magazine Christianity Today suggested that the evangelical animated character was more associated with the faith than such real-life religious figures as Pope John Paul II or Mother Teresa.

"We think [it] is an astonishing fact that young people are paying attention to The Simpsons in that way," said Simon Jenkins, the organizer of the Flanders tribute.

Jenkins said Flanders sets a good example for Christians. "He's a very ardent believer...and at the same time he's very humble," he said. "Although he's got very strong beliefs, he's not thrusting them down anyone's throat and he's not being unpleasant about it.

"He's a kind of faithful believer in Christ and he's humble about his fate and he's also very human."

I have no real issue with this since I think the whole religion is make believe.

Go Flanders!

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