Saturday, August 19, 2006

Mighty hunter kill bear! Bear was tame. Bear was killed while it was still penned up. Hunter not so mighty after all. Hunter is a pussy!

Troy Lee Gentry, of the country singing duo Montgomery Gentry, has been accused of killing a tame black bear that federal officials say he tagged as killed in the wild.

Gentry, 39, of Franklin, Tenn., and Lee Marvin Greenly, 46, of Sandstone, appeared Tuesday before U.S. Magistrate Judge Raymond Erickson in connection with a sealed indictment returned by a federal grand jury in Minneapolis.

Authorities allege that Gentry purchased the bear from Greenly, a wildlife photographer and hunting guide, then killed it with a bow and arrow in an enclosed pen on Greenly's property in October 2004.

What a truly horrible excuse for a man! First he pretends to be a cowboy and now he pretends to be a hunter. He is just a little boy playing make believe.

1 comment:

  1. You blog is asking the right questions!

    If you are interested in the difference between true hunting and canned hunting, and the grey area in between, you might give a click to the August 18th post at

    The Troy Lee Gentry case is an EASY case as regards canned hunts.

    The tough question is where you draw the line.



Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.