Monday, August 14, 2006

Oh goody a new manly trend! Menaissance?

And now, God help us, the Menaissance.

What's this all about? Well, it's a reaction against the gentle, concerned male with the moisturiser and the pink sweaters. It's back to machismo manhood and fearsome jumping on your mate's bones. Carnivorous caveman is back. We're talking retrosexual here. A bible of the new movement is Jim Belushi's Real Men Don't Apologise. It's all about unreconstructed masculinity advocated by men (and some women who have tired of emo-boys with Kleenexes) who believe that males have been emasculated in the course of the gender wars.

The new/old battle cry is for masculine assertiveness, bravery and a willingness to beard the psychological wild beasts in their lairs.

At its best it's about dignity and manliness, at its worst it's about beer bellies, flatulence and "spontaneous" (ie drink-fuelled) bad behaviour. Attractive and exciting, ladies?

And you ladies thought it was tough for you?

I will stick to who I really am if it is all right with the trend masters.

If you want me I will be sitting here writing some poetry. You know, manly poetry.

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