Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Anderson Cooper charismatic news anchor, or CIA spook?

Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale (a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA), Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency's monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper's CIA involvement to Radar.

"Whatever summer jobs or internships our anchors had in college couldn't be less consequential," she added. He has kept the experience a secret, sources say, out of concern that, if widely known, it might compromise his ability to travel in foreign countries and even possibly put him at greater risk from terrorists.

I knew that Anderson's pre-maturely gray hair was a sham. He is clearly still in deep undercover, working for the CIA to try and find moles within the CNN news desk who are helping to fabricate the news for the Bush administration. (The CIA hates the Bush administration!)

And that ridiculous rumor that Cooper is gay is also clearly part of his very sophisticated cover. There is no way that the CIA would allow a covert closet case into the company. It is just too bad that Aaron Brown had to lose his show to make way for Cooper's undercover operation. Aaron Brown should have joined the CIA instead of wasting all of that time in journalism school.

Andersons a sneaky little bastard isn't he?

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