Thursday, September 21, 2006

Bush moved terrorist suspects to Gitmo because the CIA refused to continue to torture the detainees for fear of prosecution.

The Bush administration had to empty its secret prisons and transfer terror suspects to the military-run detention centre at Guantánamo this month in part because CIA interrogators had refused to carry out further interrogations and run the secret facilities, according to former CIA officials and people close to the programme.

The former officials said the CIA interrogators’ refusal was a factor in forcing the Bush administration to act earlier than it might have wished.

The administration publicly explained its decision in light of the legal uncertainty surrounding permissible interrogation techniques following the June Supreme Court ruling that all terrorist suspects in detention were entitled to protection under Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions.

But the former CIA officials said Mr Bush’s hand was forced because interrogators had refused to continue their work until the legal situation was clarified because they were concerned they could be prosecuted for using illegal techniques. One intelligence source also said the CIA had refused to keep the secret prisons going.

For anybody who still held out hope that the US had not actually tortured these suspects can go ahead and sadly drop their head in shame. It is pretty damn clear that we did torture these people and that the CIA new that what is was doing was wrong all along. Which means that the Bush administration assured them that they would be protected against prosecution.

I am constantly amazed that anybody believes these people, and then would be willing to gamble their careers and possibly their freedom on the fact that they are not just making things up as they go along. This administratiion is bursting with incompetent, unethical, and immoral people. Do not listen to them!

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