Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Here is a creepy children's book designed to make them into little Democrats. Please don't make any more of these!

Look, leave the children alone! I don't like it when churches trick children into attending church, and I don't like it when Republicans create camps to teach children to hate the poor, and I don't like it when Democrats use story books to indoctrinate children into joining them.

Children are children, not little pieces of clay to be molded into whatever shape you damn well please. It is up to the parents to mold them and to shape their little personalities.

Unless the parents suck and then we need to snatch them away to save them from living in trailers and marrying their own sisters! Because we sure don't need any more idiots that can be tricked by the Republicans into voting for them. But that is only if they really, really need our help. But the book is still bad.

1 comment:

  1. hmm Karl Rove standing by the park bench looking like a lonely pediphile


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.