Thursday, September 21, 2006

Holy books are flled with horrible examples of murder and genocide, very little love and understanding.

Killing in the "Good Book" is of biblical proportions.

It takes eight pages in Ruth Hurmence Green's book, "The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible," just to list the mass killings ordered, committed or approved by the biblical deity.

These range from drowning all but eight of the world's human inhabitants to merciless scorched-earth commandments to "utterly destroy" other nations (Deut. 7:1-2). There are countless biblical edicts to kill the innocent.

The pope got in trouble for quoting a 14th-century Persian scholar who said Muhammad commanded that faith be "spread by the sword." It should be pointed out that Jesus said something similar: "I came not to bring peace, but a sword." (Matthew 10:34)

The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Bible and the Koran share the same Abrahamic tradition. Each so-called "holy" book contains barbaric and bloodthirsty teachings which have spawned wars, persecution and strife in the name of a god. Peace-loving and civilized societies must rise above these primitive teachings by bolstering the wall of separation between religion and government.

These books do nothing more then attempt to frighten the less then intellectually gifted amongst us into complying with the authors ideas of morality and to making us reliant on their guidance to navigate through our lives. I am sure that there are many people who are so timid and insecure that they welcome the direction that is afforded them by these ancient poorly written tombs, but for many of us they serve as a quaint reminder of primitive religions that used to influence the lives of our barbaric forebearers.

There! Now I am pretty sure I insulted every religious belief on the planet. Time to just sit back and see which one takes me out first. My money is on the Zoroastrians. They are a bloodthirsty bunch!

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