Saturday, September 09, 2006

If Democrats gain control of the Senate and the House are Bush's days numbered?

Interviews with a total of 1,004 adult Americans were conducted by telephone on August 30-September 2 by Opinion Research Corporation.

Respondents were asked "next year, it is possible that the country will have a Republican president and a Democratic Congress. Do you think that is more likely to result in more cooperation between the two parties or more likely to result in more gridlock and stalemate in the government?"

Seventy percent expect "gridlock and stalemate" while 27 percent believe there would be "cooperation between the two parties." Three percent had no opinion. Half the sample, or 502 people, was asked the gridlock question.

Fifty-seven percent of the respondents said they think it would be good for the country "if the Democrats in Congress were able to conduct official investigations into what the Bush administration has done in the past six years." Forty-one percent said such probes would be bad for the country. Half of the sample was asked this question, also.

At the same time, 69 percent said Bush should not be impeached or removed from office, with 30 percent saying he should be impeached or removed from office. One percent had no opinion. A total of 1,004 adults was asked the questions about impeachment.

In this humble bloggers opinion the best thing that the Democrats can do if, and when, they gain control of congress is to put a stop to all of the Bush administration policies. I do not believe anything that this group says and I think that they must be treated like an unruly child by taking all of their privileges away and perhaps even kicking them out of the house.

A Bush impeachment has been a dream of mine since the 2004 election. I think that there is more then enough evidence to support the move and I think that it would serve this country in a number of positive ways:
  • It would allow the government to start earning the trust of the American people again.
  • It would allow the congress to finally reveal what really happened in the build up to the Iraq war and how many lies were intentially told to our citizens in the cynical desire to gain our support to pursue an agenda that most of us would never have supported before.
  • We could signal to the world, including our enemies, that the Bush administration does not represent the United States of America. We can allow them to see that we are willing to punish our leaders when they use their power to bully other nations into compliance or punish them for not playing along.

Impeaching Bush would set our country free. We could finally exhale. I think that we would see far fewer terrrorists trying to attack this country and could posibly see our reputation beginning to be repaired within the first five to ten years. it may be the only way to get out from under this crushing hate that much of the world now feels toward us.

Bush has ruined America's good name in the homes of millions of families across this globe. Impeaching him would show that we are not him.

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