Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Not all sectarian violence is occurring between Islamic groups in Iraq.

In a ceremony on the Shasta County Courthouse steps titled "One Nation Under God," Redding Mayor Ken Murray said Christians and Muslim radicals are engaged in "a war to the spiritual death of one of us."

Murray said Shiite Muslims believe it's acceptable to lie, cheat, steal and kill as long as it ultimately glorifies Allah.

"Folks, they're not like us," the mayor said. "They're not like us at all, and for them, their war has been going on for 1,200 years."

As for his comments about Islam, Murray said he draws a distinction between "mainstream" practitioners of the religion and Shiites, whom he said were "wing nuts."

"Since the Crusades, there's been a spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of people," he said. "I think it's a historical reality, and the rubber's meeting the road again. Either the Judeo-Christian philosophy will survive or the Islamic philosophy will survive."

This is the kind of mindset that will ensure that this conflict continues to be fought by our grandchildren, and perhaps even their grandchildren. The way to put a stop to this is to stop allowing our superstitions to dictate our actions and instead embrace reason and commonality as a means to find a path to peace.

It is much easier to hate those who are not like us then to take the time to understand them and allow our minds to open enough to understand them and their culture. But that is the only way to bring our people together.

I don't want any of my children to die for any religious belief. But I would gladly sacrifice my life if it would ensure peace for my family.


  1. The latest issue of E: The Environmental Magazine has an article on Jordanian students studying environmental issues in Isreal. They go home changed, in outlook and attitude.
    It is much harder to hate someone when they have a name and a face.

  2. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I was vacationing in Morocco, traveling on a train from Casablanca to Marrakesh. I was smoking a cigarette betweeen cars (it's a long trip and common practice) when I started talking to a cool guy seemingly very "western-friendly" over the course of an hour or so. We talked and got on great (No I'm not gay, nor was he).

    But after an hour or so of this totally cool encounter, he proceeds to tell me that 9/11 was a hoax and he hopes all Americans die. "Not you" he said...my guess is that my children he'd be fine with.

    In short...they fucking hate us to the bone. They want us to DIE. We can't make nice with folks who --even upon meeting and liking -- want to kill our children.

    I am a life long progressive Democrat and that
    is --SADLY-- just the truth.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.