With documentation of gay or lesbian behaviour among giraffes, penguins, parrots, beetles, whales and dozens of other creatures, the Oslo Natural History Museum concludes human homosexuality cannot be viewed as "unnatural".
"We may have opinions on a lot of things, but one thing is clear – homosexuality is found throughout the animal kingdom, it is not against nature," an exhibit statement said.
Geir Soeli, the project leader of the exhibition entitled "Against Nature", told Reuters:
"Homosexuality has been observed for more than 1500 animal species, and is well documented for 500 of them."
"The birds do it, the bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Let's do it, let's have gay sex." Doesn't quite have the same zing does it?
Of course this proves nothing, since we know that animals are sinful little fuckers anyway.
"That is why your dog is not going to heaven, Jimmy. He's a sinner! I mean look at him licking his balls right in front of the good Reverend." Lucky little bastard!
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