The U.S. Army recruited more than 2,600 soldiers under new lower aptitude standards this year, helping the service beat its goal of 80,000 recruits in the throes of an unpopular war and mounting casualties.
According to statistics obtained by The Associated Press, 3.8 percent of the first-time recruits scored below certain aptitude levels. In previous years, the Army had allowed only 2 percent of its recruits to have low aptitude scores. That limit was increased last year to 4 percent, the maximum allowed by the Defense Department.
The Army said all the recruits with low scores had received high school diplomas. In a written statement, the Army said good test scores do not necessarily equate to quality soldiers. Test-taking ability, the Army said, does not measure loyalty, duty, honor, integrity or courage. (But it does measure intelligence.)
So the Army is continuing to lower the standards for the people that they are sending overseas to represent America in the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. That surely can't backfire, can it?
It doesn't take a genius to understand why there are fewer and fewer intelligent people willing to join the military with this criminal conflict going on. It is the same reason that you don't see very many Mensa members serving jury duty.
Can you imagine how dumbed down the criteria will be if this conflict lasts another ten years?
"So son, have you ever driven by a High School? You have? Well that is good enough for us, just sign on the dotted line!"
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