Friday, October 13, 2006

Secret Service protects President from fourteen year old girl with My Space account.

The latest Sacramento resident to be questioned by federal agents in possible threats against President Bush is a 14-year-old girl with a heart on her backpack and braces on her teeth, a freckle-nosed adolescent who is passionate about liberal politics and cute movie stars.

Her name is Julia Wilson, and she learned a vivid civics lesson Wednesday when two Secret Service agents pulled her out of biology class at McClatchy High School to ask about comments and images she posted on MySpace.

Beneath the words "Kill Bush," Julia posted a cartoonish photo-collage of a knife stabbing the hand of the president. It was one of a few images Julia said she used to decorate an anti-Bush Web page she moderated on MySpace, the social networking Web site that is hugely popular among teenagers.

Two Secret Service agents arrived at their Land Park home about 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Kirstie Wilson said. They told her they wanted to speak with her daughter about threats to the president that she had posted on MySpace.

"She was in molecular biology, and I said I really didn't want to take her out of class for this," Kirstie Wilson said. "I said I'd make sure she came right home from school."

She asked the agents to come back in an hour, and they left.

Then Wilson sent her daughter a text message instructing her to come straight home from school.

"... there are two men from the secret service that want to talk with you. Apparently you made some death threats against president bush. Dont worry youre not going to jail or anything like that but they take these things very seriously these days," Kirstie Wilson wrote.

"Are you serious!?!? omg. Am I in a lot of trouble"? her daughter replied, using common teenage shorthand for "Oh, my God."

I have often wondered what it must have been like to live in Nazi Germany in the early 1940's, I wonder no more.

I am a little insulted that I have not been visited yet. Is Alaska too far away for you guys to find? We are right here next to Canada. Of course I don't want Bush to be physically harmed, I just want him removed from office and placed on trial for war crimes. But I am still very subversive damn it!

Did anybody else notice that the initials for Secret Service is the SS.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Yeah, it's just tragic how they loaded her up in that rail car after questioning her and sending her off to be exterminated. Wow, some Nazis these guys are.

    Must have been a real profound moment when you figured out the words secret and service both begin with the letter 's', tremendous insight there.


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