Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Abramoff might bring down several prominent Democrats while bringing down Karl Rove. Sounds like a fair trade to me!

Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "dozens of members of Congress and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."

The sources say Abramoff was about to provide information about Bush administration officials, including Karl Rove, "accepting things of value" from Abramoff.

Rove has denied any wrongdoing in his dealings with Abramoff. But the lobbyist visited the White House at least seven times, according to Secret Service logs obtained by Judicial Watch.

I don't care if they are Republicans or Democrat, if they are corrupt they must go!

However Rove must go! I would be willing to send a dozen or more Democrats down the river to make sure that Rove is ridden out of Washington on a rail. He and his puppet, George Bush, have done more harm to this country then a hundred terrorists could ever hope to manage.

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