Saturday, November 18, 2006

Australian McDonalds introduces the McMuslim burger.

The fast-food chain has introduced halal products at two Melbourne restaurants, significantly boosting sales.

However some non-Muslim customers are furious they were not told their hamburger meat was slaughtered and blessed in accordance with Islamic rules laid down in the Koran.
McDonald's consulted Muslim leaders before introducing halal products at its Brunswick East and St Albans stores.

Halal meat is from animals that have been killed facing Mecca and blessed using the name of Allah.

Brunswick East store assistant manager Nicholas Yacoub said the move had attracted a surge of new customers.

"It has pretty much doubled our sales," Mr Yacoub said.

You know I don't care what prayers they want to say over my burger just as long as they don't spit in it.

However if Australia is going to take the Muslims side in our Christian vs Muslim holy war they may find themselves opening a king size can of American Whoop-ass.

You have been warned.

1 comment:

  1. The cows don't care what prayers are said over them either. They would still prefer not to be killed.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.