Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Democracy is taking a beating.

There are stories from all over the country that demonstrate fraud, interference, voting machine problems, and substantial voter rage.

In Florida 100s of voters were given thee wrong ballots.

In Denver there are reports that balky machines have caused Democrats to ask for extended polling hours.

There are vote stuffing allegations coming from Utah.

Even Chelsea Clinton had problems.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am embarrassed for my country. And the funny part is that we have been trying to force our brand Democracy on another country.

What do you think they are learning about our Democracy now?


  1. Hey there...I voted not far from where I live..urban downtown.....minority driven vote....my polling place had THREE assigned OBSERVERS...no shit...I have never ever been to an election and seen Observers...( felt like I was in a foriegn country....)

  2. It HAS been a foreign country.

    But today, it is America again!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.