Saturday, November 18, 2006

New Zealand cop gets his suspect to give up by tasering his son and pepper spraying his daughter. Well that is unique.

A clumsy New Zealand policeman, who was attending a domestic dispute, accidentally shot himself and a teenager with a stun gun.

The constable was loading his weapon - to stun a man at the centre of the incident - when he accidentally blasted himself with the Taser's 50,000 volts, the New Zealand Herald reports.
Another shot hit the man's 16-year-old son.

After five attempts to hit the man, the officer eventually used pepper spray. But he succeeded only in hitting the man's 21-year-old daughter - an unintended target.

The wanted man eventually gave himself up.

I hope this does not kick start a new trend of cops working over the children of the bad guys in order to get compliance. I mean that just seems terribly unfair.

That would be an interesting parenting tool however. "If you don't eat your vegetables, Daddy is going to break the law and get your ass tasered!"

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