Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today's reality check brings you a ranking of the top Democratic nations. US is 17th.

Rank Country Score
1. Sweden 9.88
2. Iceland 9.71
3. Netherlands 9.66
4. Norway 9.55
5. Denmark 9.52
16. Spain 8.34
17. U.S. 8.22
20= Japan 8.15
23. U.K. 8.08
24. France 8.07
29. South Africa 7.91
34. Italy 7.73
35. India 7.68
42. Brazil 7.38
102. Russia 5.02
112. Iraq 4.01
138. China 2.97
167. North Korea 1.03

After we give thanks for all that we have today, perhaps it would not be too untoward to ask for just a little of what we once had to be returned to us. The greatness of America must be retored.

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It just goes directly to their thighs.